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Long Island

I recently heard Eric’s interview on Imagine podcast

where he discusses growing up on Long Island. I’ve come to believe that Long Island was a hot spot for the mind control and child abuse that he details in this interview. When I have spoken with others who grew up there in the ‘60s, 70’s & 80’s, I have found that many people report bits and pieces of stories similar to Eric’s, but I haven’t encountered anyone who remembers in detail specific time lines or can recount events clearly enough to connect the dots. I could say a lot on this subject but I’ll end it here to see if there’s anyone else on this forum who has something to add to this subject

Eric Hecker and Kym Condon have reacted to this post.
Eric HeckerKym Condon

Thanks for getting the ball rolling on this topic.

I was born on Long Island in '49 and went through the Mineola public school system from kindergarten up to graduation from high school.  I was then enrolled at MIT for five semesters before dropping out.  My father's entire working life before retirement was for Sperry Gyroscope at the classified facility in Lake Success and later at the Carl Place location.  My entire working life has been involved in various types of construction, mostly residential building construction. The job, for the humor of it, that I like to reference (for credibility) goes back to the late '80's and is my principal participation in the fabrication of the 26 pieces of 10' x 10' welded plate exhaust system ducting that sits on the 13th and roof floors of the 14th Street Con Edison power plant in Manhattan.   Take a look, it's still there.

Seventy six years later I can confidently say that I feel quantumly entangled with extraterrestrial life and am capable of knowing things without proof...that's a long way from the halls of MIT...or is it?