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Why is nobody talking about how the Goverment agencies like the CIA, DIA, FBI and more have infiltrated the "content creators" of disclosure?

Why is nobody talking about how the Goverment agencies like the CIA, DIA, FBI and more have infiltrated the "content creators" of disclosure?

Howl 404 has reacted to this post.
Howl 404

Probably something to do with censorship. I know I wasn't the only one talking about stuff like that. If I see someone mention it, it's often as a mem or joke, which IMO isn't the best way to go about it but hey, nobody sees 99% of what I've posted & if memz get the message out, well f**k me I suppose.

Also, the word & normalization of the word "Fan" short for Fanatic or Fanatical.. Can be associated with receiving a "high" feeling of euphoria, similar to mania or a 'manic episode' where the "fan"'s mind could be experiencing temporary partial paralysis, I don't know the technical word, but it stops part of the brain that does the deeper more long term planning type of thinking. This is important factor in that some "content creators" gain popularity in different ways, & whether legitimate or not, some individuals can develop mental fantasies involving their 'idol'. it is a range of things that could be occurring, & I think group-think & fanning are often large contributing factors in a wide array of cases though. Some individuals create a fantasy image of another person in their mind, for reassurance and self-soothing/comfort. There are lots of factors.

Also, since most of the "big truthers" are all about monopolizing the truth, and gatekeeping, they don't want to mention it.. because the odds of them being uninvolved with those agencies at this point are abysmally low, especially with their motives clearly being more about profits than about the truth.

I wonder myself why this or that content creator never acknowledges this, or other, hard to voice aspects of our reality. Unfortunately I am left to conclude that many humans are scared, and conditioned to believe that self preservation in one life, could somehow be more valuable than liberation from eternal enslavement... "the fans" are cowardly, and thus their idols too often are also quite cowardly themselves, unfortunately.

I'm open to understanding more about this though. & these are just some of my observations & views of what types of phenomena may be occurring.

Eric Hecker and Pickled Peppers have reacted to this post.
Eric HeckerPickled Peppers

Thanks for your input!

Hello Eric,  just listened to you on Project Unity regarding your exposure in your life to nefarious government projects that the public doesn't have a clue as to the dangerous people who are in control of this planet.                                              As for myself you connected so much information that I knew about but you really helped to   explode my view of a very dark reality!